This is based on reported shares in horton d r inc /de/. Donald r horton's cik is 0000900824. Horton founded homebuilder d. r. He died in may 2024 at age 74. Horton studied to be a pharmacist at oklahoma university but joined his father's real.
Horton founded homebuilder d. r. He died in may 2024 at age 74. Horton studied to be a pharmacist at oklahoma university but joined his father's real. Horton, founder and chairman of the board for d. r. Horton inc. , died suddenly thursday night, the company announced. Horton, 74, grew the publicly traded. The estimated net worth of donald r horton is at least $188 million dollars as. Mr horton owns over 7,899 units of d. r. Horton stock worth over $1,172,844. Horton, 70, is worth $1. 6 billion and is one of 2,816 billionaires listed in the global ranking hurun report has compiled for the last nine years.
Horton, founder and chairman of the board for d. r. Horton inc. , died suddenly thursday night, the company announced. Horton, 74, grew the publicly traded. The estimated net worth of donald r horton is at least $188 million dollars as. Mr horton owns over 7,899 units of d. r. Horton stock worth over $1,172,844. Horton, 70, is worth $1. 6 billion and is one of 2,816 billionaires listed in the global ranking hurun report has compiled for the last nine years. A 2020 global rich list has named. Donald r horton is the chairman of d. r. Horton inc and owns about 23,670,899 shares of. Horton, the chairman of d. r. Horton inc. , holds approximately 23,670,899 shares of d. r.
Horton, 74, grew the publicly traded. The estimated net worth of donald r horton is at least $188 million dollars as. Mr horton owns over 7,899 units of d. r. Horton stock worth over $1,172,844. Horton, 70, is worth $1. 6 billion and is one of 2,816 billionaires listed in the global ranking hurun report has compiled for the last nine years. A 2020 global rich list has named. Donald r horton is the chairman of d. r. Horton inc and owns about 23,670,899 shares of. Horton, the chairman of d. r. Horton inc. , holds approximately 23,670,899 shares of d. r. (dhi) stock, which are valued at over $4. 2 billion. This impressive net worth. Horton and his family own around 11% of the $27. 8 billion (revenues) company. Horton studied to be a pharmacist at oklahoma university but joined his father's real estate. Donald horton net worth 5. 9 billion usd birth age 74 country united states city fort worth business real estate
The estimated net worth of donald r horton is at least $188 million dollars as. Mr horton owns over 7,899 units of d. r. Horton stock worth over $1,172,844. Horton, 70, is worth $1. 6 billion and is one of 2,816 billionaires listed in the global ranking hurun report has compiled for the last nine years. A 2020 global rich list has named. Donald r horton is the chairman of d. r. Horton inc and owns about 23,670,899 shares of. Horton, the chairman of d. r. Horton inc. , holds approximately 23,670,899 shares of d. r. (dhi) stock, which are valued at over $4. 2 billion. This impressive net worth. Horton and his family own around 11% of the $27. 8 billion (revenues) company. Horton studied to be a pharmacist at oklahoma university but joined his father's real estate.
Horton, the chairman of d. r. Horton inc. , holds approximately 23,670,899 shares of d. r. (dhi) stock, which are valued at over $4. 2 billion. This impressive net worth. Horton and his family own around 11% of the $27. 8 billion (revenues) company. Horton studied to be a pharmacist at oklahoma university but joined his father's real estate. Donald horton net worth 5. 9 billion usd birth age 74 country united states city fort worth business real estate Horton who built his first home in 1978, and went on to build the no. 1 homebuilding enterprise in america has died, the company announced today.
Horton and his family own around 11% of the $27. 8 billion (revenues) company. Horton studied to be a pharmacist at oklahoma university but joined his father's real estate. Donald horton net worth 5. 9 billion usd birth age 74 country united states city fort worth business real estate Horton who built his first home in 1978, and went on to build the no. 1 homebuilding enterprise in america has died, the company announced today.
1 homebuilding enterprise in america has died, the company announced today.
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