U/temotodochi created a zoomable online map here and the eris minimap plugin is here. Below is a map of raven creek with all the locations marked for easy accessibility for players. The map includes hospitals, gas stations, and other areas of interest where. Want a fun and realistic zombie outfit distribution mod? This mod is for you!
The map includes hospitals, gas stations, and other areas of interest where. Want a fun and realistic zombie outfit distribution mod? This mod is for you! This mod adds a variety of zones into the game which gives zombies outfits to match their. Raven creek is a large (modded) city that was put under quarantine early on in the outbreak, and located to the west of the vanilla town of rosewood. Raven creek was probably the largest town. Pinewood is the only one i found in raven creeks area, without overlapping. I dunno if it's compatible with ten years later. You'll have to find that out for yourself. Works with multiplayer in build 41.
This mod adds a variety of zones into the game which gives zombies outfits to match their. Raven creek is a large (modded) city that was put under quarantine early on in the outbreak, and located to the west of the vanilla town of rosewood. Raven creek was probably the largest town. Pinewood is the only one i found in raven creeks area, without overlapping. I dunno if it's compatible with ten years later. You'll have to find that out for yourself. Works with multiplayer in build 41. Use shift + mouse drag to add personal map annotations.
Raven creek was probably the largest town. Pinewood is the only one i found in raven creeks area, without overlapping. I dunno if it's compatible with ten years later. You'll have to find that out for yourself. Works with multiplayer in build 41. Use shift + mouse drag to add personal map annotations.
Pinewood is the only one i found in raven creeks area, without overlapping. I dunno if it's compatible with ten years later. You'll have to find that out for yourself. Works with multiplayer in build 41. Use shift + mouse drag to add personal map annotations.
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