If i plant cabbage in the spring and harvest them in summer, do i just let them regrow for autumn? Or do i need to fertilize/hoe them again? The answer is yes trees can grow back if the stump is left in place. While stump grinding presents less of a risk of regrowth, the roots are still left in place and can produce. Technically you could make the single plot needed for a tree in an orchard and then just plant them throughout your village if you wanted.
The answer is yes trees can grow back if the stump is left in place. While stump grinding presents less of a risk of regrowth, the roots are still left in place and can produce. Technically you could make the single plot needed for a tree in an orchard and then just plant them throughout your village if you wanted. The little sticks stay little and regrow next season,. Trees can grow back again after being cut down, however, you have to wait 2 years in the game itself (fortunately, with our guide, you won't need so much time to complete the. The answer is yes, trees do grow back in medieval dynasty. However, it takes a long time for them to regrow. The exact time it takes for a tree to grow back depends on the. If i were to clear an. Herbs regrow after some time (seasons), trees take a bit longeryears.
The little sticks stay little and regrow next season,. Trees can grow back again after being cut down, however, you have to wait 2 years in the game itself (fortunately, with our guide, you won't need so much time to complete the. The answer is yes, trees do grow back in medieval dynasty. However, it takes a long time for them to regrow. The exact time it takes for a tree to grow back depends on the. If i were to clear an. Herbs regrow after some time (seasons), trees take a bit longeryears. The allure of the middle ages is something indescribable. There is something about medieval life and.
The answer is yes, trees do grow back in medieval dynasty. However, it takes a long time for them to regrow. The exact time it takes for a tree to grow back depends on the. If i were to clear an. Herbs regrow after some time (seasons), trees take a bit longeryears. The allure of the middle ages is something indescribable. There is something about medieval life and.
However, it takes a long time for them to regrow. The exact time it takes for a tree to grow back depends on the. If i were to clear an. Herbs regrow after some time (seasons), trees take a bit longeryears. The allure of the middle ages is something indescribable. There is something about medieval life and.
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